Notarchus punctatus

Notarchus punctatus Philippi, 1836

Notarchus punctatus (Canarias) by Aketza Herrero by Aketza Herrero




































Notarchus punctatus  R. A. Philippi, 1836

 Classification according to Bouchet et al. (2017)
Taxonomic source: World Register of Marine Species (AphiaID: 139595).

  • Aplysia saltator Forbes, 1844
  • Busiris griseus Risso, 1826
  • Notarchus cuvieri Delle Chiaje, 1841




  • Notarchus. From Greek “nôton” (back) and Latin “arcus” (arch, bend, curve), meaning “curved back”.
  • Punctatus. From Latin “punctus”, derived from “pungo”, to prick, puncture, stab. Also from French “ponctuée”, with spots or stains.


Known georeferenced records of the species: Notarchus punctatus
: GROC 2010-2011
: Enric Madrenas
: João Pedro Silva
: Bernard Picton
: Manuel Ballesteros.
: M@re Nostrum
: Altres fonts
: Marine Regions


    Western Mediterranean: ☆☆☆☆☆
    Eastern Mediterranean: ☆☆☆☆☆
    Atlantic Ocean: ☆☆☆☆☆
[wpbi_chart type="bar" id="1" height="250" /]

This chart displays the monthly observation probability for Notarchus punctatus based on our own records.

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    Bibliography based on the works by Steve Long, 2006. Bibliography of Opisthobranchia 1554-2000 and Gary McDonald, 2009. Bibliographia Nudibranchia, with later updates from other resources.

Further reading

Cite this article as:

Ballesteros, M., Madrenas, E. & Pontes, M. (2012-2025) "Notarchus punctatus" in OPK-Opistobranquis. Published: 13/08/2014. Accessed: 03/02/2025. Available at (