by Amelia Ocaña, Luis Sánchez-Tocino, Sergio López and Francisco Viciana
A team of the Universidad de Granada (Spain) has published the excellent “Guía submarina de invertebrados no artrópodos” that contains the litoral fauna of the coast of Granada in a global way, together with some species from the Costa Brava, complementing this way the species map for the Western Mediterranean.
This book is a mandatory tool for biology and environment universitary students, and a must for all recreational divers and marine enthusiasts in general. We must note the large ammount and quality of the photographs illustrating this manual, very useful for the identification of specimens. The second edition of this guide has 26 species and 44 photos more than the original edition, including some photographs taken on the Costa Brava by the divers of M@re Nostrum.
Title: Guía Submarina de Invertebrados No Artrópodos
Authors: Amelia Ocaña, Luís Sánchez-Tocino, Sergio López y Francisco Viciana
Publisher: Comares, 2000
ISBN: 9788484441212