High body, quadrangular section and coloured translucent white. Light brown viscera visible by transparency. Head with a cephalic veil with four whitish digitations. Back with four very fine white lines, two run from the outside of the rhinophoric sheaths to the tail, bordering the notum, the other two run from the inner part of the rhinophoric sheath converging right before the tail. Sides of the body without lines. Rinophores with a transparent base, with several branched leaves of the same colour of the body and a mastic shaped apex. Rhinophoric sheath of the color of the body with an externally widened outer rim. Up to 4 pairs of irregularly shaped dorsal papillae with irregular lamellae, the ones on the rear barely testimonial.
It lives in rocky, illuminated walls with abundance of sponges, scyophyllic algae and cnidaria, sharing habitat with Duvaucelia striata and Duvaucelia lineata, with which has been confused. Little else is known about its biology.
Unknown distribution range. Found at El Port de la Selva on 28/04/2012, about 12 meters deep.
Similar species
Duvaucelia striata. Of similar coloration and size, with fine black stripes. Duvaucelia lineata. Similar coloring and size, with only two white stripes delimiting a narrower opaque white back
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Pontes, Miquel (2012-2025) "Duvaucelia sp." in OPK-Opistobranquis. Published: 22/09/2019. Accessed: 03/02/2025. Available at (https://opistobranquis.info/en/?p=29106)