The opisthobranchs (Opisthobranchia) comprises more than 3000 species, almost exclusively marine, a variety of shapes, which have reduced the shell to varying degrees (until its demise in adults) and the mantle cavity and gill, have coated its shell with tissue in a greater or lesser degree, in most cases have developed parapodia (lateral extensions of the foot with diverse functionality) and cerata (body excrescences with defensive functionality, etc.). changes that eventually give the animal an external bilateral symmetry that does not correspond to the internal organization of the body.
The digestive system of the opisthobranchs consists of a buccal vestibule, which sometimes has a lip armor, a pharynx and radula and sometimes chitinous jaws, then there is an esophagus (sometimes with masticatory adaptations as a gizzard), then a stomach where it meets the digestive gland, then the intestine and ending at the anus, located on the right side of the body, or on the back of the animal.
The heart is composed of only one ventricle and atrium, and is located in front of the gill. Often bulky blood or lymph glands appear near the cerebral ganglion. The ctenidium (typical gill molluscs) is well developed only in the groups that is well developed the mantle cavity (cefalaspideans, anaspideans and notaspideans). Groups that do not have a mantle cavity have secondary gills as the dorsal papillae in dendronotaceans and sacoglossans or cerata in aeolidaceans.
The kidney evacuates waste products through the ureter or directly to the outside through an excretory pore.
The nervous system consists of a esophageal collar that combines pedal and cerebral ganglion, the buccal ganglion and the visceral handle (where pleural, parietal, intestinal and abdominal ganglions are found). The visceral handle is only fully developed in cefalaspideans, while in the other groups this handle is short and ganglions are fused to a greater or lesser extent. Nudibranchs have the highest concentration of ganglions.
Sensory elements can vary greatly, from free nerve endings to complex organs like the Hancock’s organ (two groups of chemoreceptors sensors located in the sides of the mouth of cefalaspideans). The rest of the nudibranchs have concentrated the chemoreceptors on the rhinophores, since those groups having mantle cavity presented osphradium (another quemoreceptor organ) . The eyes may be located on the surface, or at various levels of depth into the tissues, but they are always near the cerebral ganglion. Statocysts (which give them sense of balance) are always near pedal ganglions.
Opisthobranchs are generally hermaphrodites. The reproductive system varies greatly among groups, but basically consists of a hermaphrodite gonad (usually bulky and attached to the digestive gland), gonoducts and glands. The deepest part of gonoduct is called hermaphrodite conduit, allowing the passage of both sperm and eggs themselves. Then it is separated in the oviduct and the sperm duct. Throughout the oviduct nidamental glands are found (they cover fertilized eggs with nutritive material necessary for survival), the copulatory bursa (which receives the sperm of another individual during copulation) and seminal receptacle (which keeps the sperm until the egg maturation). Along the sperm duct the prostate is found (needed for spermatophores formation and the transfer of sperm during the intercourse) and the penis.
After fertilization, the eggs are encompassed in a gelatinous substance, usually transparent, and go abroad where they are fixed to the substrate. The colors and shapes of the proposals vary among species, can be coiled, scalloped, kidney-shaped, in a disorderly way, attached to the substrate by a stalk, etc.. The number of eggs also varies greatly from one species to another, and can range from tens to millions. The location of the specific species is usually placed (determined sponges, algae or cnidarians).
Except in some cefalaspideans, sacoglossans and nudibranchs, in which the development is direct, the other opisthobranchs have indirect development, with the intermediate formation of larval type called “veliger“. In these cases there is always the metamorphosis, which involves the loss of the operculum and, often, the disappearance of the larval shell. This disappearance has forced shell to refine the opisthobranchs’ defense strategy, with mechanical, chemical (acids and terpenoidal secondary metabolites extracted from their food ) and behavior.
The opisthobranchs are generally benthic animals (tied to the seabed), but some are able to swim if they are threatened, as Aplysia and Tritonia. Other species are pelagic such as tecosomates and gymnosomates.
Most anaspideans and sacoglossans are herbivores and tecosomates are filter feeders, but the rest of the opisthobranch are carnivores, although there are curious cases (such as Tylodina perversa), where studies have shown that an apparently spongivore animal actually has a clear preference for sponges filled with blue-green algae.
Main opisthobranch groups:
Classification of the opisthobranchs
- Acochlidiimorpha
- Aplysiida
- Acteonimorpha
- Architectonicoidea
- Cephalaspidea
- Bulloidea
- Acteocina crithodes
- Acteocina mucronata
- Bulla arabica
- Bulla striata
- Pyrunculus fourierii
- Pyrunculus hoernesi
- Pyrunculus ovatus
- Retusa crossei
- Retusa desgenettii
- Retusa laevisculpta
- Retusa leptoeneilema
- Retusa mammillata
- Retusa minutissima
- Retusa obtusa
- Retusa truncatula
- Retusa umbilicata
- Volvulella acuminata
- Volvulella ovulina
- Cylichnoidea
- Haminoeoidea
- Philinoidea
- Aglaja tricolorata
- Biuve fulvipunctata
- Camachoaglaja africana
- Chelidonura cubana
- Chelidonura hirundinina
- Colpodaspis pusilla
- Gastropteron rubrum
- Hermania scabra
- Laona pruinosa
- Laona quadrata
- Laona ventricosa
- Melanochlamys miqueli
- Melanochlamys wildpretii
- Philine angulata
- Philine catena
- Philine intricata
- Philine iris
- Philine monterosati
- Philine punctata
- Philine quadripartita
- Philine striatula
- Philinoglossa helgolandica
- Philinopsis depicta
- Philinopsis speciosa
- Retusophiline lima
- Roxania utriculus
- Scaphander lignarius
- Scaphander punctostriatus
- Bulloidea
- Nudibranchia
- Doridina
- Doridoidei
- Doridoidea
- Aporodoris millegrana
- Aldisa banyulensis
- Aldisa smaragdina
- Aldisa zetlandica
- Atagema gibba
- Atagema rugosa
- Atagema spongiosa
- Baptodoris cinnabarina
- Cadlina laevis
- Cadlina pellucida
- Carminodoris boucheti
- Chromodoris quadricolor
- Discodoris rosi
- Discodoris stellifera
- Doris adrianae
- Doris bertheloti
- Doris marmorata
- Doris ocelligera
- Doris pseudoargus
- Doris sticta
- Doris verrucosa
- Felimare bilineata
- Felimare cantabrica
- Felimare fontandraui
- Felimare gasconi
- Felimare orsinii
- Felimare picta
- Felimare tricolor
- Felimare villafranca
- Felimida binza
- Felimida clenchi
- Felimida edmundsi
- Felimida elegantula
- Felimida goslineri
- Felimida krohni
- Felimida luteopunctata
- Felimida luteorosea
- Felimida purpurea
- Gargamella perezi
- Geitodoris bacalladoi
- Geitodoris bonosi
- Geitodoris perfossa
- Geitodoris planata
- Geitodoris portmanni
- Geitodoris pusae
- Geitodoris rubens
- Goniobranchus annulatus
- Goniobranchus obsoletus
- Halgerda willeyi
- Hypselodoris infucata
- Hypselodoris pulchella
- Jorunna efe
- Jorunna evansi
- Jorunna onubensis
- Jorunna spazzola
- Jorunna tomentosa
- Paradoris indecora
- Peltodoris atromaculata
- Peltodoris punctifera
- Platydoris argo
- Rostanga anthelia
- Rostanga rubra
- Taringa armata
- Taringa faba
- Taringa pinoi
- Tayuva lilacina
- Thordisa azmanii
- Thordisa filix
- Onchidoridoidea
- Acanthodoris pilosa
- Adalaria proxima
- Ancula gibbosa
- Corambe obscura
- Corambe testudinaria
- Diaphorodoris luteocincta
- Diaphorodoris alba
- Diaphorodoris papillata
- Goniodoridella picoensis
- Goniodoris nodosa
- Knoutsodonta albonigra
- Knoutsodonta depressa
- Knoutsodonta inconspicua
- Knoutsodonta neapolitana
- Knoutsodonta pictoni
- Knoutsodonta pusilla
- Knoutsodonta sparsa
- Okenia aspersa
- Okenia elegans
- Okenia hispanica
- Okenia impexa
- Okenia leachii
- Okenia longiductis
- Okenia mediterranea
- Okenia mica
- Okenia miramarae
- Okenia problematica
- Okenia zoobotryon
- Onchidoris bilamellata
- Pelagella castanea
- Trapania bajamarensis
- Trapania fusca
- Trapania graeffei
- Trapania hispalensis
- Trapania lineata
- Trapania luquei
- Trapania maculata
- Trapania orteai
- Trapania pallida
- Trapania sanctipetrensis
- Trapania tartanella
- Phyllidioidea
- Polyceroidea
- Aegires leuckartii
- Aegires palensis
- Aegires punctilucens
- Aegires sublaevis
- Crimora papillata
- Kaloplocamus ramosus
- Limacia clavigera
- Limacia iberica
- Limacia inesae
- Martadoris mediterranea
- Palio dubia
- Palio nothus
- Plocamopherus maderae
- Plocamopherus ocellatus
- Plocamopherus tilesii
- Polycera aurantiomarginata
- Polycera elegans
- Polycera faeroensis
- Polycera hedgpethi
- Polycera kernowensis
- Polycera norvegica
- Polycera quadrilineata
- Polycerella emertoni
- Tambja ceutae
- Tambja marbellensis
- Thecacera pennigera
- Tyrannodoris europaea
- Doridoidea
- Bathydoridoidei
- Doridoidei
- Cladobranchia
- Aeolidioidea
- Aeolidia filomenae
- Aeolidia papillosa
- Aeolidiella alderi
- Aeolidiella glauca
- Aeolidiella sanguinea
- Algarvia alba
- Anteaeolidiella indica
- Anteaeolidiella lurana
- Babakina anadoni
- Baenopsis baetica
- Baeolidia moebii
- Berghia coerulescens
- Berghia columbina
- Berghia creutzbergi
- Berghia marinae
- Berghia verrucicornis
- Caloria elegans
- Caloria indica
- Caloria quatrefagesi
- Cerberilla bernadettae
- Cratena peregrina
- Dicata odhneri
- Facelina annulicornis
- Facelina auriculata
- Facelina bostoniensis
- Facelina dubia
- Facelina fusca
- Facelina rubrovittata
- Facelina schwobi
- Facelina vicina
- Facelinopsis marioni
- Favorinus blianus
- Favorinus branchialis
- Favorinus ghanensis
- Favorinus vitreus
- Glaucus atlanticus
- Godiva quadricolor
- Learchis poica
- Limenandra nodosa
- Nanuca occidentalis
- Nanuca trainitoi
- Nemesignis banyulensis
- Phidiana lynceus
- Phidiana militaris
- Piseinotecus soussi
- Piseinotecus sphaeriferus
- Pruvotfolia pselliotes
- Spurilla neapolitana
- Arminoidea
- Dendronotoidea
- Dendronotus frondosus
- Doto alidrisi
- Doto caballa
- Doto cervicenigra
- Doto coronata
- Doto cuspidata
- Doto dunnei
- Doto eireana
- Doto escatllari
- Doto floridicola
- Doto fragaria
- Doto fragilis
- Doto furva
- Doto koenneckeri
- Doto lemchei
- Doto maculata
- Doto millbayana
- Doto paulinae
- Doto pinnatifida
- Doto pita
- Doto pygmaea
- Doto rosea
- Doto tuberculata
- Doto verdicioi
- Hancockia uncinata
- Lomanotus barlettai
- Lomanotus genei
- Lomanotus marmoratus
- Melibe viridis
- Scyllaea pelagica
- Tethys fimbria
- Fionoidea
- Amphorina andra
- Amphorina farrani
- Amphorina linensis
- Amphorina pallida
- Calma glaucoides
- Calma gobioophaga
- Calmella cavolini
- Calmella gaditana
- Carronella pellucida
- Catriona aurantia
- Catriona maua
- Coryphella verrucosa
- Coryphellina rubrolineata
- Cumanotus beaumonti
- Cuthona correai
- Cuthona nana
- Cuthona perca
- Cuthona thompsoni
- Cuthona willani
- Edmundsella pedata
- Embletonia pulchra
- Eubranchus amazighi
- Eubranchus capellinii
- Eubranchus cingulatus
- Eubranchus doriae
- Eubranchus exiguus
- Eubranchus prietoi
- Eubranchus tricolor
- Eubranchus vittatus
- Fiona pinnata
- Fjordia chriskaugei
- Fjordia insolita
- Fjordia lineata
- Flabellina affinis
- Flabellina dushia
- Luisella babai
- Microchlamylla gracilis
- Paraflabellina gabinierei
- Paraflabellina ischitana
- Rubramoena amoena
- Tenellia adspersa
- Tergipes tergipes
- Trinchesia albopunctata
- Trinchesia caerulea
- Trinchesia cuanensis
- Trinchesia foliata
- Trinchesia genovae
- Trinchesia granosa
- Trinchesia ilonae
- Trinchesia miniostriata
- Trinchesia morrowae
- Trinchesia ocellata
- Doridoxoidea
- Proctonotoidea
- Tritonioidea
- Unassigned Cladobranchia
- Aeolidioidea
- Doridina
- Pleurobranchida
- Berthella africana
- Berthella aurantiaca
- Berthella ocellata
- Berthella perforata
- Berthella plumula
- Berthella stellata
- Berthella sideralis
- Berthellina citrina
- Berthellina edwardsii
- Pleurobranchaea britannica
- Pleurobranchaea meckeli
- Pleurobranchus forskalii
- Pleurobranchus membranaceus
- Pleurobranchus testudinarius
- Pleurobranchus reticulatus
- Quijote cervantesi
- Pteropoda
- Euthecosomata
- Cavolinia gibbosa
- Cavolinia globulosa
- Cavolinia inflexa
- Cavolinia tridentata
- Cavolinia uncinata
- Clio cuspidata
- Clio pyramidata
- Creseis acicula
- Creseis conica
- Creseis virgula
- Cuvierina columnella
- Diacavolinia limbata
- Diacavolinia longirostris
- Diacria trispinosa
- Heliconoides inflatus
- Hyalocylis striata
- Limacina bulimoides
- Limacina helicina
- Limacina lesueurii
- Limacina retroversa
- Styliola subula
- Pseudothecosomata
- Gymnosomata
- Euthecosomata
- Ringiculimorpha
- Runcinida
- Sacoglossa
- Oxynooidea
- Plakobranchoidea
- Aplysiopsis elegans
- Aplysiopsis formosa
- Bosellia mimetica
- Caliphylla mediterranea
- Caliphylla viridis
- Calliopaea bellula
- Cyerce cristallina
- Cyerce graeca
- Elysia fezi
- Elysia flava
- Elysia gordanae
- Elysia hetta
- Elysia manriquei
- Elysia ornata
- Elysia papillosa
- Elysia rubeni
- Elysia subornata
- Elysia timida
- Elysia tomentosa
- Elysia translucens
- Elysia viridis
- Ercolania coerulea
- Ercolania viridis
- Hermaea bifida
- Hermaea cantabra
- Hermaea paucicirra
- Hermaea variopicta
- Limapontia capitata
- Limapontia senestra
- Mourgona borgninii
- Placida brevicornis
- Placida cremoniana
- Placida dendritica
- Placida tardyi
- Placida verticilata
- Placida viridis
- Stiliger llerae
- Thuridilla hopei
- Thuridilla mazda
- Umbraculida